Home teeth whitening kit 274 €
Home teeth whitening kit is an easy and safe way to whiten teeth at home. Impressions of your teeth are taken to create custom-fit whitening trays that fit your mouth. You can use these trays at home with whitening gel following the instructions provided. Whitening trays now €274 (normal price €387) until May 31, 2024 at selected Hohde stations and clinics.
Whitening is only performed on a examined and healthy mouth. If you are unsure about whitening, please book a free whitening consultation appointment first.
Find your nearest Hohde clinic for whitening trays.
Hohde Espoo Keinojuuriklinikka
Tapiontori 3 B, 02100 Espoo
010 571 1903
Hohde Joensuu
Malmikatu 5B, 80100 Joensuu
013 221 428
Hohde Kajaani
Kauppakatu 23 A, 87100 Kajaani
08 627 566
Hohde Kangasniemi
Otto Mannisen tie 1, 51200 Kangasniemi
010 571 1910