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Occupational Health Dental Car

Offer a significant benefit to your employees

Companies that provide occupational health dental care are progressive. Occupational health dental care can even serve as a recruitment advantage. For the employee, occupational health dental care is a significant addition to employment benefits and has a binding effect. Good oral health also improves overall health and quality of life. Occupational health dental care has a sustaining impact on work capacity.

Tax-deductible for the employer

Employers can deduct the costs of occupational health dental care in full for tax purposes.

Conditions for tax exemption

The benefit must be based on a written decision and an agreement that defines the extent of dental care facilities covered by the company. The benefit must be customary, reasonable, and applicable to the entire staff. The company’s management and employees may have different levels of coverage and reimbursable amounts for dental procedures.

Regular occupational health dental care pays off

Costs and time spent on treatment decrease rapidly when the mouth is examined and treated regularly. Dental examinations and other treatments usually take less than an hour per year.

How to proceed

Contact the nearest Hohde clinic with which you want to negotiate a workplace dental care agreement, or email tyopaikkahammashoito@hammashohde.fi. You can also mention it during your visit to the clinic, and we will assist you further. We will create a contract for your company, specifying the maximum deductible amount paid by the company. The Kela reimbursement for the treatment reduces the company’s payment, and it is deducted directly at Hohde before invoicing.

You can find the contact information for the nearest Hohde clinic here.

Make an appointment

Book an appointment today for dental services with our easy appointment service OmaHohde and you will be treated at the highest possible quality dental practice
