25 € voucher to dental care? OmaHohde-benefits


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Price List

The prices below are provided as examples. We will always serve you as an individual with unique needs.

For more information regarding our services and prices, please contact our customer service. Saturday emergency price list +16%.We also offer customised and flexible payment plans for our patients. payment plans for our patients..

*Price after Kela reimbursement. In accordance with Kela’s instructions, we check the Kela-card of each of our customers. Based on the information on the card, we ensure the right to Kela reimbursement. If the customer does not have a Kela-card to show, compensation forms can be obtained from our cash desk and the Kela reimbursement can be applied for later at Kela. Please note that for reimbursement from KELA, you will need a dentist’s referral for an appointment with the dental hygienist. On Saturdays and on the eve of public holidays, a maximum increase of 16% can be added to the prices.

An ID card or a driver’s license cannot be used as a substitute for the Kela card at our service points.

All appointments must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. Late cancellations and no-shows are subject to a fee of 37,85 €/15 min. Specialist dentist charge +30%.

Dental check-up
(After Kela compensation 50,30 € )
80,3 €
50,30 €
Dental hygienist services
Tartar scaling 45 min
(After Kela compensation 135,10 €)
147,50 €
135,10 €
Tartar scaling 60 min
(After Kela compensation 156,3 €)
174,85 €
156,3 €
Soda cleaning
(After Kela compensation 66,8 €)
66,8 €
66,8 €
Laser teeth whitening
(After Kela compensation 371,30 €)
371,30 €
371,30 €
Teeth whitening with gel, 1 visit
(After Kela compensation 318,24 €)
318,24 €
318,24 €
Teeth whitening with gel, 2 visits
(After Kela compensation 525,10 €)
525,10 €
525,10 €
Tartar scaling by at dentist
artar scaling 10 min
(After Kela compensation 93,3 €)
102,5 €
93,3 €
artar scaling 20 min
(After Kela compensation 155,4 €)
168,8 €
155,4 €
Tartar scaling 30 min
(After Kela compensation 209,1 €)
226,6 €
209,1 €
Tartar scaling 45-60 min
(After Kela compensation 280,2 €)
303,9 €
280,2 €
Cavity treatments
1st surface
(After Kela compensation 91,6 €)
101,9 €
91,6 €
2nd surface
(After Kela compensation 157,4 €)
174,9 €
157,4 €
3rd surface
(After Kela compensation 185,3 €)
204,9 €
185,3 €
Ceramic fillings(Cerec)
1. pinta
(After Kela compensation from 280,9 €)
from 280,9 €
from 280,9 €
2. pinta
(After Kela compensation 506,8 € )
506,8 €
506,8 €
3. pinta
(After Kela compensation 682,4 €)
682,4 €
682,4 €
Ceramic crown
(After Kela compensation from 752,9 €)
from 752,9 €
from 752,9 €
Dental X-ray
Dental X-ray
(After Kela compensation 37,50 €)
43,50 €
37,50 €
Bitewing radiograph
(After Kela compensation 50,80 €)
56,80 €
50,80 €
Orthopantomography (OPTG)
(After Kela compensation 110,60 €)
119,60 €
110,60 €
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
(After Kela compensation from 202,65 €)
from 241,74 €
from 202,65 €
Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia/TM quarter
(After Kela compensation 31,9 €)
35,0 €
31,9 €
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction
(After Kela compensation from 106,8 €)
from 117,1 €
from 106,8 €
Dental implants
Dental implant
(After Kela compensation from 2600 €)
from 2600 €
from 2600 €
Service fee
Service fee at the dentist's office
(After Kela compensation 29,90 €)
29,90 €
29,90 €
Service fee at the dental hygienist's reception
(After Kela compensation 24,90 €)
24,90 €
24,90 €
Billing supplement
(After Kela compensation 4,90 €)
4,90 €
4,90 €

Make an appointment

Book an appointment today for dental services with our easy appointment service OmaHohde and you will be treated at the highest possible quality dental practice
